Gardener's Recipe:

One part soil, two parts water, and three parts wishful thinking

Friday, March 5, 2010

Here We Go!!

Attention, attention please. Are you ready for this?

Here are some of our questions...
  • How much snow do you get in the winter, meaning, how much is hanging around during the long gray days from December through February? You've talked of snow, but does it stay on the ground? Do we need some winter structure?
  • How far off the ground is the bottom sill of your windows?
  • What is the distance between the corner of the bump out and the recessed portion of your house?
  • What direction does your house face?

We have determined that you are looking for something traditional/clean/classic looking, is this a correct assumption?

Because your house is so horizontal, we (Mathew) thinks it would be nice to have some vertical elements. Why did you pull out that tree anyway, you crazies! That corner is a tough spot causing us grief.

1 comment:

  1. 1-I hear this has been a bad winter for Oklahoma. It has snowed 3-4 times leaving snow on the ground for 2-3 days each time. I think the average snow fall is about 18 inches a year. We do have occasional ice storms. We didn't have prolonged periods with snow on the ground, maybe a week at the longest.

    2-The bottom of the window sill is about 18 inches of the ground.

    3-What are you talking about exactly?

    4-The house faces south in the summer and south in the winter.
